ACRP is a long-time netFORUM Client who looked to Agilutions to build out a new, more streamlined eWeb site to support their online My Account, Membership, and Product puchase processes. As a secondary effort, Agilutions worked with ACRP to move them off of their outdated Certification customizations onto the Credentialing Engine which has helped their staff and customers to have a much more streamlined experience.
Existing eWeb transaction processes were outdated and allowing incorrect membership data to get processed in the system. Client was also using outdated customizations to manage their staff and customer-facing certification processes.
How did the issue impact the organization?
Their legacy eWeb site was allowing for incorrect membership dates and transactions to be entered into the system, throwing off their data. The outdated certification customizations were hindering the organization from growing their programs and they also made staff’s manual processing unmanageable.
How was the client feeling about the issue?
tired! ready and eager to change! they had waited for these projects for a long time, so this was a very exciting project for them, as it alleviated so many pain points for both their staff and customers.
We decided to tackle their eWeb redesign first, prior to the Credentialing Engine as they rebranded their public site as a side project.
What Did AGS do?
We built out ACRP’s online store, Create account, My Profile, Online Join/Renew/Rejoin, Chapter Join, and a new Shopping Cart experience for the first effort. For the second effort we built out the Credentialing Engine to handle ACRP’s 3 (now 4) certifications, processes included online application, online maintenance tracking, audit process, integration with exam vendor, and the expansion to their 4th certification before the end of the project.
Client has a beautiful streamlined website and eWeb site, and is very happy with the ease of use the Credentialing Engine offers their staff and applicants/certificants. Client has already grown to include a new certification offering which the Credentialing Engine was able to support with simple configuration (not customization).
How does the client feel about the results?
AGS Team
Happy – we could’ve handled the project scoping differently, but it’s great to see them successfully on the product!