Managing Evaluations and Surveys in Accreditation Software

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In today’s fast-paced environment, managing evaluations and surveys is crucial for any organization that requires accreditation. Properly implemented, these tools enhance the assessment process but also provide valuable insights for continuous improvement. At Agilutions, we understand the challenges involved and offer solutions to simplify these processes through our accreditation software, CredHQ™.

What we can do for you

CredHQ™ automates the tasks involved in accreditation management for you. This includes the application process, which frees up staff and reduces their workloads. So how do evaluations and surveys play into this?

Evaluations and surveys are great tools for an organization to implement in their accreditation process for their users. Our program, CredHQ™, allows organizations to touch base with their users through surveys and evaluations. It also allows an accredited facility to see where they fall within the organization’s standards. By collecting this data, organizations can identify strengths and weaknesses.

Managing evaluations, surveys, questionnaires and standards is simple with CredHQ™. They can either be stand-alone or implemented with your accreditation process. Your evaluation, survey or questionnaire can include any and every question you want users to answer. We offer checkboxes, radio button lists, drop downs, text boxes  — we all have the usual suspects available. You can also score and review evaluations and surveys.

Integration Capabilities

CredHQ™ was built with integrations in mind. Our accreditation software is able to integrate with third-party reviewers without another license fee. Through CredHQ™, third-party reviewers can be added as volunteers and even have access to their own online portal. This helps implement another check while managing evaluations and surveys in our accreditation software.

In their portal, third-party reviewers will only have access to the information necessary for their tasks. So they won’t have to weed through all other information in applications that is not relevant to their reviews to get what they need. This also helps keep other participant information secure.

CredHQ™ also has the ability to easily integrate with vendors to assist the accreditation process. Over the years, CredHQ™ integrated with exam vendors like Pearson and Scantron, learning management systems like Digitec and Elevate, and financial management systems like Quickbooks and MS Dynamics. Our software has also integrated with association management systems such as NetForum and ACGI as well as e-marketing platforms like Highlogic and Infromz.

Get Started Today

At Agilutions, we’re committed to helping organizations navigate the complexities of accreditation. Our software CredHQ™ not only manages accreditation processes for you, but we also help organizations streamline evaluations and surveys, leading to meaningful improvements and enhanced learner experiences. Let’s transform your accreditation journey together!
